Sunday, November 3, 2019

Make a recommendation to Apple Inc Research Paper

Make a recommendation to Apple Inc - Research Paper Example He should promote systems thinking by looking at the system from a broader perspective that would include overall structure and the whole cyclic processes going on rather than considering smaller events and processes. This would help in addressing the problematic issues on the whole. He should enhance personal mastery of all individuals by making them learn new techniques in which they would show their mastery and creativity. He should incorporate mental models by discussing the success as a complete picture produced by the minds collectively. He should encourage a shared vision of all employees by discussing and communicating with them. He should inculcate team learning rather than individualistic approach and would consider team as a fundamental learning unit. Moreover, proper communication should be ensured between all employees to resolve conflicts that may happen among them when job satisfaction decreases (Masters and Albright). Cooperative communication tends to avoid or settle a conflict to â€Å"put an end to it in an effective way† (Bacal

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